Heating and Cooling

14 Nov 23

Comments on the Regulations about Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Requirement for Solid Fuel Boilers and Solid Fuel Local Space Heaters

We welcome the revisions of the Ecodesign regulations for solid fuel boilers (EC 2015/1189), appliances serving central heating needs, and solid fuel local space heaters (EC 2015/1185), products serving local heating needs, as well as the revision for the energy labelling regulations for solid fuel boilers (EC 2015/1187).

Biomass-based heating systems, such as pellet, have experienced a surge in sales, particularly due to the energy crisis and, in some countries, such as Germany, they grew by 17% in 2022. Particularly the usage of ‘primary woody biomass’ is contributing to deforestation and only 5% of all woody biomass is coming from recovered used, such as furniture or buildings. Considering that 80 to 90 million EU households use solid fuel for heating purposes, it is indeed key to address the threats that solid fuel heating can pose to human health, specifically to indoor and ambient air qualities, its climate impacts as well as biodiversity and forest damages.

The following is the position of Coolproducts, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Green Transition Denmark and Healthy Indoor Environment.

Access the document here
