
25 Jun 18

Why don’t all supermarket fridges have doors?

Why don’t all supermarket fridges have doors?  This is the simple question environmental NGOs from all over Europe are asking the European institutions in a new infographic released today.


“Our goal is simple,” said Chloé Fayole from the Coolproducts campaign, “we want the Commission to finally adopt Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures for commercial refrigeration by the time President Juncker finishes his mandate. The file has been under preparation by the Commission since 2006, being constantly delayed for no good reason. Each year of delay meant €6.4 billion of wasted energy for Europe. Very affordable technology to increase energy efficiency of these products exists, and it’s time for the European Union to use their excellent policies at hand to promote it.“

The Ecodesign Directive gradually removes from the market the least efficient products by setting standards that demand a certain level of performance. Meanwhile, the Energy Labelling regulation pulls consumers towards the best products by giving them an impartial A to G ranking based on their energy efficiency.

A draft proposal of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for commercial refrigeration has been last discussed in July 2014, promising annual electricity savings of 58 TWh by 2030. The Commission has now announced the release of a Package of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures by the end of 2018, and the draft proposals on commercial fridges are finally expected to be included.

Join us today and #CloseTheFridge! Check out demands below, or click here to see the full infographic. 

Link to our blog on the delays   
Link to our views on the 2014 proposal  
Link to ECOS article on the Package of Ecodesign & Energy Labelling measures
