

Buildings account for 40% of the total EU energy consumption and windows are a critical element of the building envelope that determines how much energy is required for heating and cooling. 

The European Commission estimates that 8 million tonnes of oil equivalent and 15 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year could be saved by 2030 through regulatory measures, which is as much as removing 9 million cars taken off our roads. Different EU policies already regulate the energy performance of buildings, but specific product measures could significantly boost the uptake of more efficient windows in our buildings.

What is the European Union doing?

A preparatory study, finalised in 2015, recommended the use of an energy label for windows, which could trigger up to 7 Mtoe/year savings in residential buildings by 2030.

A meeting to discuss a legislative proposal took place in 2015, during which NGOs, Member States and industry called for the development of a robust tool that could help consumers choose the best products based on a set of conditions (climate, orientation, etc.), possibly in the format of a digital solution. Since then progress in this area has been stalled.

What does the Coolproducts campaign want?

  • Regulations that cover a broad range of products, including roof windows and power operated windows. Ecodesign requirements could help promote efficient solutions and remove the worst-performing products from the market.

  • An energy label, to help consumers differentiate products by their performance, and reward innovative industry.

Coolproducts technical input and position papers:

 2015 – Position on the draft Commission’s proposal on a Energy Label for Windows

 2015 – Technical input to Task 7 of the preparatory study

 2014 – Technical input to tasks 1-4 of the preparatory study 

 2014 – Technical input to tasks 5-6 of the preparatory study 
