Electrical and applicances

15 Abr 15

White goods in a dangerous spin-cycle

The EU has launched a review of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling regulations for household fridges, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers. A review of tumble drier regulations is to follow by 2017. Consideration will be given to new or updated requirements products must meet to be placed on the EU market.

This paper highlights a major gap in existing regulations and offers neat solutions with precedent in related areas. Today’s legislative blind spots ignore the energy consumption impact of a persistent trend towards ever-larger home appliances despite falling residential occupancy.

We strongly encourage experts charged with advising the European Commission to seriously consider this issue in their scenarios and recommendations. Failure to do so could result in a substantial part of the expected energy savings from making appliances more energy efficient being blown off course by growing capacity trends.

Click here to download the 11 page Coolproducts briefing PDF.
