Don’t put the standby rules on standby!

The EU Regulation on standby and network standby requires serious reshaping, and this work started three years ago.

An update to the Regulation was proposed by the European Commission last year, including a slightly larger scope, lower power limits for off modes and a confirmation of strict limits for networked standby by 2019. The potential of all these measures amounts to 17 TWh/year of electricity savings by 2030, which is equivalent to the residential consumption of Austria. The proposal was discussed with stakeholders in late 2017.

Alas, the European Commission now seems reluctant to proceed with the adoption, putting massive savings at risk. There is no clear justification to not including it in the long-awaited ‘”Ecodesign package”, encompassing a set of measures that will be President Juncker’s one and unique shot at adopting such measures under his term. No need to say it could postpone the new standby regulation for years. 

According to ECOS calculations, a 3-year delay on the entry into force of the new provisions would cost EU consumers € 2.4 billion on their energy bills. A shame, considering that fighting pure waste should be an instinctive move nowadays.
